Personnel development

Assessment Center

People continue to learn throughout their entire lives. There are few true “naturals” in the business world. As such, expanding and developing one’s personal success factors is an intensive and ongoing process. The assessment centre is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate an individual’s potential, success factors and areas where further training is required. It can be used for both personnel selection and development purposes.

hemmers-human-resources can develop individual or group sessions specific to each client’s needs. Industry, company and job-specific factors will be taken into account when designing the assessment centres.


  • Developing a customised requirement profile, which takes into account the essential criteria of the target position
  • Selection of various types of exercises and activities, for example:
    • Discussion situations (role-playing)
    • Presentations
    • Group discussions
    • Case studies
    • Inbox exercises
    • etc.
  • Creation of workflows and evaluation forms
  • Assisting my client in the implementation of the process within the company as well as its realisation as a facilitator
  • Supporting the feedback process and the creation of reports

It is possible to book individual services (e.g. facilitation of existing selection processes) as well as the entire service package.