Profil Beratung für Human Resources Management GmbH & Co. KG
- Moderation of single and group assessment center as well as development center (German and English) for internal promotion of young talents or managers and for internal and external selection of specialists and executive staff
- Diagnostic reports
- Conducting professional Interviews
- Development and implementation of a competency model
Kölner Institute für Managementberatung
- Conception and Conduction of single and group assessment center on a national and international level for different clients and target groups in trade & industry
- Diagnostic reports
Selectes GmbH
Society for personnel selection and management
- Definition of competencies in the scope of the development of a computer-based-training-tool – Interviewtrainings, applicant selection trainings
IG Metall Distict Headquater North Rhine Westphalia
Workshops and Seminars: one to one communication – using right communication to convince others / membership recruitment
gfu-consult (consultancy)
Projects with a main focus on personnel development: conception and implementation of Assessment Center and potential analysis.